
SIIM 2021

Written by Admin | Apr 19, 2023 11:00:00 PM
This year at SIIM we’re focusing on workflow, and we’ll be discussing and demonstrating how Blackford makes imaging and AI tools deliver results within existing workflow. We enhance the value of existing systems and infrastructure by augmenting existing workflows to ensure that results delivered in a useful manner – by adding value through worklist prioritization or notifications, for example. We will also be discussing:
  • Your Algorithms, Your Workflow Activate, manage and measure AI algorithms developed within your organization. Evaluate on production data without impacting your workflow or archive.
  • Evaluation and measurement of AI applications Blackford’s Dashboard enables the evaluation and measurement of specific AI applications value and performance for greater confidence in budget requests and long-term application utilization.
  • Application maintenance and updates Manage maintenance and updates through a single fully customizable vendor-agnostic system that is not reliant upon updates to existing vendor systems.