Platform Strategy: The Physician Perspective

A single point of access to multiple FDA-cleared applications makes it easier for non-radiologist physicians from a wide range of clinical specialties and

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A single point of access to multiple FDA-cleared applications makes it easier for non-radiologist physicians from a wide range of clinical specialties and departments to add clinical value through advanced, disease-specific analysis.

A platform approach helps physicians make more informed decisions by providing access to applications that deliver more actionable information to assist clinical decision-making and facilitates more effective patient communication. In addition, it also increases access to analytics and quantitative data that supports better informed treatment planning and clinical outcomes. By accessing more applications that help reduce the time required for planning and treatment of clinical interventions, physicians can realize significant cost savings and improved organizational productivity. And, with more quantitative information included in clinical reports and automated inclusion of relevant condition-specific information in radiology reports, they can improve diagnostic confidence, while minimizing additional work and maximizing accuracy. Want to find out even more about the Platform Strategy? Click below to download our eBook: Download eBook